Archive for October 20, 2010


Posted: October 20, 2010 in Drugs, Health

Marijuana in California: An altered state – The Economist

I wanted to vote today, I did, but, it started raining all of a sudden just as I was getting ready to step outside. I really did want to vote. I mean, it’s legalizing marijuana right? The ol’ ganja, sweet Mary Jane, aunt Mary, the sinsemilla, the bambalacha. But yeah, I mean, my mom has the car and I would have to take two buses just to make it to the polling place, and by that time the line will probably be gigantic, and this Seinfeld marathon is keeping me glued to the couch, granted I have every season on DVD but it’s still pretty cool to be able to watch episode after episode without having to hit ‘next’ on the remote. So yeah, it’s a whirlwind of conflicting circumstances that has led me to being unable to vote today, even though I really wanted to. Although, I hope this doesn’t mean everyone from your waiter to your tax attorney is going to be baked. I would think if everyone were to be high it would slow the wheels of industry considerably. Maybe everyone already is. Or maybe that’s the point. Whoever is smoking will continue doing so as long as they want to anyway, so maybe legalizing it will just make the whole process of buying and selling much safer. But now that I think of it, I kind of like Tommy. I hope this wouldn’t mean he’s out of a job. He always brings the stuff to my place, always on time, always polite to my parents. Would this mean I’d actually have to go out and buy it? Maybe I could hire him or something. Must be hard labor now that I think about it. Going to and fro’, dealing with people who never want to lift a finger to buy your product even though they’ll harass you all day long until you actually pick up the phone. Maybe he would just sell something stronger. Wait does this mean they’ll be selling it in packs? Like cigarettes? And coming up with gimmicky names like ‘Jamaican Gold’ and ‘Kentucky Blue’? I wonder how they would roll them. Would they have a whole lot of people in some warehouse just rolling the day away? That could help unemployment actually. Or maybe they would invent some robot that just shoots them out like those tennis ball machines. I’d like one of those. Probably be expensive though. And what about the alcohol industry? They won’t have the monopoly over getting trashed anymore. Serves them right. They’ve been making way too much money over random hook-ups and late-night hospital visits. Time for the narcotics industry to get a piece of the pie with video game hypnosis and late night YouTube video surfing. I hear that they’re going to tax it even more than tobacco because people are used to forking up a lot of money for it anyway. I should look to get my foot in the door of this untapped corner of the market. I think there are other reasons to vote ‘yes’ to ‘ Prop 19’, other than ‘Schwarzenegger’ being against it. In the Netherlands, the legal status of weed has made it into a commonplace product no more influential than a six-pack, which also means that kids often don’t even bother to seek it out. I guess it’s also about being free, right? I mean, it’s not like alcohol is any better than pot, is it? Quite the contrary I would say. I’d wager good money on alcoholic wife-beaters heavily outnumbering the spouse-slapping potheads. Of course many could overlap. Anyway, whatever helps the Golden State out of the financial gutter is fine by me. I wish I had time to vote…

HAHA George always drops the ball.

Note-worthy: “The proposition has a chance of winning mainly because Californians have become rather relaxed about weed.”

"Just Vote No"